Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thanks, Pandora: A new Holiday favorite.

Thanks to Pandora, I've just heard this quirky little number...has anyone ever heard the song, "Marshmallow World" (1949) popularly performed by Bing Crosby?

Well, if you haven't, take a listen--I guarantee it will make you smile. It's a new fave of mine, personally. Great lyrics. My guess is the original writers composed this over a cup or two of cheer...


Sunday, December 9, 2012

All About Emily: Reflections and a Birthday Celebration

I love my job. This is (one of the many reasons) why:

This past Thursday, I worked a big private event at the museum--the reading, award ceremony, and reception for the "Tell it Slant" award. The Emily Dickinson Museum's award"has been created to honor individuals whose work, in any field, is imbued with the creative spirit of America’s greatest poet, Emily Dickinson." The inaugural award was given to poet laureate and interesting person, Kay Ryan. I had the honor of meeting Ryan and chatting for a moment with her on the second floor of The Evergreens on Thursday night--I conversation I'll never forget, memorialized in a book of Dickinson's poetry I had her sign. The tinkling of Martha Dickinson Bianchi's (Em Dick's niece) 1904 Steinway grand piano drifted up through those old rooms that evening, and I thought that if anything was going to bring the ghosts was going to be this music in these halls. It didn't happen, but I'll imagine they came out and danced when we all got out of there. 

The event this past week marked the beginning of an ongoing celebration of Emily Dickinson's birthday--which is tomorrow, December 10! 

In honor of the poet who cuts my paycheck, please mark your calendars, Pioneer Valley friends: On December 12 (this wednesday), 330PM-5PM there will be an open house at the museum FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Come, get a rose and a piece of coconut cake (EmDick's recipe) and learn about this amazing poet. Bring a friend! 

In more ED news, Amherst College's digital collections of ED's manuscripts is fantastic. Check it out to see up close and personal the manuscripts of America's greatest poet. Tell me what you think! Here's a good one: click

A Few Things

A few things have changed this week (moving, settling, adjusting, not having internet access...), but a few more things have stayed the same (my affinity to sitting in coffee shops to use the free wifi, eating lots of cheese, loving the things in this list...)
These are things I've always loved, but haven't necessarily shared in any formal way, especially not on life of lu. There also seems to be a bit of a holiday shopping theme too...enjoy.

A Few Things: Dec. 9, 2012

1. Kelsey Garrity-Riley Illustration 

I think it's thanks to tumblr that I first came across Kelsey Garrity-Riley's illustrations. They're everything I love about illustrative art: magical, quirky, beautiful and radiating a sort of warmth. I just love it every bit of her pieces. I just received my package from Kelsey's etsy. Some lucky family members will be getting bits of her pieces this Christmas! Her blog is worth a browse and her shop is currently having a holiday there's that!

Got this note in my package!

2. Designs & Tumblr of Elizabeth Antoinette

image courtesy of
Again, thanks, tumblr for putting me on to the blog and etsy shop of this Portlander. She's a vegan, yoga instructor with a knack for crochet and knits in great colors and all vegan-friendly materials. Ok, so I've got a crush on her too, but how could I not? The girl advocates against violence, posts her yummiest vegan recipes, and makes beautiful things that keep your neck or hot beverage warm. She also sings. I'm in love. Check her out. 

3. Add YogaDork  to your reading list.

Hey, all you yogis out there! Do you read yoga dork? It's a blog that keeps us updated on the latest yogi-celebrities and happenings in the yoga world. They're appearing in this week's folio because of an article they posted last week on incense: how to select it and burn it properly etc. I found it very helpful and it alighted me to the idea that I should learn a bit more about incense, as I've begun to use it often for its various therapeutic qualities (and it makes me feel more yogic while doing yoga)...and I honestly didn't even think about the fact that harmful chemicals could be contained in certain brands and could be affecting my health! More to come on my incense findings.

That's all for now!