Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A few things:

1. "A few things" is a new section of the life of lu blog. Its purpose is to share in numbered form, a few thoughts with the internet concisely (and hopefully wittily on occasion!).

2. Is anyone out there a Norah Jones fan? I watched this hulu exclusive concert with her this morning...and I'm digging her new style: musically and aesthetically speaking.

image courtesy of pinterest.com
3. Everyone should have a friend they write to. And I don't mean texting. I mean write me a long ass email that I have to be focused to read, and ask me thought provoking questions that I'll take a solid hour responding to. Pen pals are great--get one.  I've got a pen pal. She's my friend who now lives in pennsylvania. Shout out to Val, if you're reading this ;)

4. I've been watching and following along with Tara Stiles' 7 Week Bliss In. It's week two and I can say I've done a lot of the eating components and not as much of the moving...time to find that balance she was talking about last video!

5. Look at this lovely illustration to the right: A Mouse Father Christmas, by Astrid Walford (1949) . Thank you, Pinterest, for your bountiful pleasures.

That's all.